Apartment Renovation: 6 Things You Should Know

Apartment renovation It’s extremely rewarding once you’re done, but until you get there, it can bring many challenges. On your way, there will be neighbors who may be bothered, dirt, removal of a lot of dirt and, in some cases, even the need for licenses.

In general, the task is not easy – and the bigger the apartment renovation, the more challenging. You will find yourself faced with questions like “what style do I want?” and “how much do I want to renew in this renovation?”.

Fortunately, you are not the first person to undergo an apartment renovation, so there are already many tips available and we have selected some of our favorites here.

Apartment renovation: where to start?

Start with good planning, listing the things you want to renovate. What do you want from this apartment renovation? Create a folder with suppliers, with images from the internet for inspiration, separate the colors and materials you like most.

This planning will help you define other fundamental aspects of the renovation process, such as costs, necessary materials and the number of bricklayers and other professionals who will work.

Be sure to consider items such as floors, walls and ceiling and areas such as the gourmet balcony and entrance hall. But try not to embrace the world all at once, after all it’s quite possible that you’ll have to live with this mess.

Check with your condominium if any inspection or permission is required to carry out work. It’s quite common nowadays and it’s something an architect can easily arrange.

#1 – Prepare a budget for apartment renovation

The costs of your apartment renovation can vary greatly as they depend on what you want to renovate and the materials you want to use.

However, try to pay attention to absolutely all aspects that will be involved in the renovation, because they all translate into costs – and you don’t want to have any surprises when paying the bill.

Some items that may be overlooked (but shouldn’t) are lighting, electrical, flooring, appliances, designers, artisans and, of course, decoration.

Once your budget is finalized, it’s time for a thorough review to check whether the costs are in line with the money you have available and, if necessary, make some cuts and adaptations.

It may be necessary to make a switch to cheaper materials or leave something aside depending on priorities.

#2 – To renovate an old apartment, talk to experts

When we’re talking about old buildings, you need to be very careful before going around knocking down walls.

Consult an architect and/or structural engineer to get a realistic opinion of what can be done on your project without compromising your safety and that of other residents.

In an old building with many floors, believe me, you don’t want to take the risk of removing a structural wall without knowing exactly what you are doing.

A consultation with a plumber and an electrician is also an idea that should not be missed. And let these professionals talk to each other so that the work can take place without interference, after all they have more experience in this

An example so you understand: let’s say you are working with a professional to do dry wall or a brick wall in your living room. It must leave an open space for the electrician to pass the electrical wires.

If this doesn’t happen, the electrician will have no choice but to damage or remove the dry wall to do his job.

#3 – Don’t forget to inform the neighbors about the renovation of the apartment

The breakdown in your apartment will not only impact your life, but that of all the neighbors around you. So it’s a good idea to meet these people beforehand, warn them about what’s about to happen.

This means talking to the people who live next to you, below you and above you. Managing expectations and keeping them informed about the progress of the work will help a lot to maintain a good relationship between you.

And when everything is ready, how about throwing a party and inviting people as a way of thanking them for their patience?!

#4 – Pay extra attention when renovating a small apartment

Ah, how wonderful it is to renovate a small apartment. Lots of dust and little space available for you to have a normal life. Calm down, breathe. Everything will be fine after the small apartment renovation is completed.

In these cases, it is very important that the renovation is as short as possible – a maximum of one week.

And always try to do a little cleaning of the area at the end of each day. It will be tiring, but in a small apartment, if you don’t do this, you won’t have a clean haven to rest at the end of the day.

There’s no way, the mess is part of it. To help, try leaving some trash bags ready spread around the house. If the workers themselves help keep the place clean, there won’t be as much to do at the end of the day.

#5 – Don’t forget ventilation during apartment renovation

There is a risk that you will inhale a lot of dust or even some gases during the process, so make sure you protect yourself and leave the house well ventilated during the day and night. Open windows, turn on fans and, if necessary, use respiratory masks.

And be sure to cover everything you’re not using with plastic.

Dust will be inevitable, but this will help reduce the problem. Even cover items inside cabinets – you’ll be surprised how far the dust can get.

Place plastic over clothes stored in closets and place stored food in plastic bags or jars with tight lids for an extra dose of protection.

It may be a lot of work, but try to change plastic every morning to ensure hygiene – especially food.

#6 – Clear your head during apartment renovation

And finally, when renovating a small apartment, go somewhere else if possible. Go to work in a workplace or a cafe, stay with friends or family for a few days. If this is not possible, consider renting an Airbnb near your home.

Sometimes, for your physical and mental health, it’s better to walk away and let the magic of apartment renovation happen while you’re across the street enjoying the birds outside the window.